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Ballot Access Caucus



The purpose of the Ballot Access Caucus is to propose and enact regulations and legislations that will provide a simple and easy means for the voting public to place candidates on the ballot – overturning current procedures and rules that inhibit citizen participation in a favor of incumbents and candidates with greater financial resources or political organization.


Among the most fundamental rights necessary in a democracy is the freedom and ability for common citizens to seek public office without undue limitations, complexities and intimidations.  It is the PPC belief that ballot access should be structured to encourage candidacies, not discourage them.  The rules and procedures should be readily understandable by average citizens without the need for expensive professional and legal assistance.  Laws should not be established that thwart the manifest will of the public to produce candidacies.

Illinois is among the leading states in ballot access complexity.  Under the specious argument of ballot security, the political leaders have created an incumbent friendly system.  In many cases, signature requirements are needless high – creating an exceptional barrier to non-incumbents and those without extensive financial resources or established political organization.

While many claim these requirements are for the public benefit, the contention is contrary to examples in other states and cities.  In fact, many states, with pristine reputations for political honesty, provide the simplest ballot access procedures.

The Illinois election laws have a complex series of regulations that create confusion.  Minor violations or errors in filing are often used to disqualify competent candidates.  In many instance, well-financed incumbents are able to use even specious challenges to force competent candidates to withdraw for nothing more than lack of funds, insufficient time or lack of understanding of their rights.

In other cases, minor technicalities provide legal reasons to keep candidates off the ballot.  Often the application of these minor legal infractions is arbitrary.  Political appointees have enormous power to decide the fate of a candidate despite the law.  Once a candidate has received a sufficient (and reasonable) number of qualifying petition signatures, no minor technical error should result in disqualifications.  Both the laws and the courts should bias in favor of obvious voter intent.

PPC Ballot Access Reform Proposal

  1. A reduction of onerous signature requirements.
  2. Procedures that qualify signatures, ending the “after the fact” challenges.
  3. Making all correctible technical violations a matter of civil penalty (i.e. fines) rather than disqualification.

The PPC Ballot Access Reform Proposal would:

  1. Virtually end petition fraud.
  2. End time consuming and expensive challenges.
  3. Assure voters greater choice in candidates.
  4. Broaden the democratic experience.

There are no downsides for the public.  The only losers are incumbent office holders, who fear rejection by the public.  No public official should be able to continue in office by technical manipulations over public mandate.  Election lawyers may lose business, but such business is only available through laws that artificially create litigation.  This is simply an intolerable financial and civic burden on the general public.

PPC Legislation

PPC, in cooperation with reform-minded legislators will soon introduce legislations to reform the onerous and corrupt elections laws, rules, procedures and practices.

Caucus Leader

Chris Lawrence
Contact with Chris may be made through PPC at:
(773) 596-5599
ppc (at) thomasandjoyce (dot) com

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