Ideas have consequences ... and Public Policy Caucuses produces those consequences.

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"PPC makes a great contribution to the implementation of
public policy because it goes beyond the
limits of a think tank.  It is a do-tank."
Steve Forbes, Forbes Magazine

The PPC is a volunteer-driven organization that operates on a unique caucus concept.  Each caucus represents a specific public policy objective of narrow scope and limited duration.  Caucus issues may be local, national or even international.  The "caucus concept" provides several advantages over traditional committee-based structures.

  • Caucuses are not deliberative bodies.  They serve as catalysts for activists committed to PPC philosophy and issues.  Caucuses leaders play a major role in determining and implementing lobbying strategy.
  • The caucuses are very narrow in their scope of activity.  They are formed around very specific issues, most often a single legislative proposal.
  • They are not permanent institutions.  Caucuses are created or dissolved according to need, and the active interest of knowledgeable volunteer leaders.
  • They allow PPC members to function semi-autonomously.  PPC volunteers operate within caucuses that represent their specific interests.  Caucuses may develop their own "divisional" budget, plan special events, and raise funds earmarked for their activities.  The PPC officers and staff function largely as an administrative vehicle and professional support system for the caucuses.
  • Creates opportunities for new leadership, with experience and expertise in the specific subject area.
  • Caucuses operate in an autonomous fashion, they enable individuals with diverse philosophic opinions to work on specific projects without a general endorsement of positions advanced by PPC through other caucuses.

Operating Caucuses
(click on individual caucus for further information)


Ballot Access

Campaign Finance

Chicago Children's Museum

Chicago Theatre

Cook County Hospital

Credit Reform
(under construction)

Educational Choice
(under construction)

Judicial Reform
(under construction)

Meigs Field

Property Rights
(under construction)

Property Tax

Taiwan Caucus

Value Added Tax
(under construction)

Visa Reform
(under construction)

Wrongful Prosecution
(under construction)

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