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Campaign Finance Reform



The purpose of the Campaign Finance Caucus is to preserve the right of citizens to donate freely to political campaigns without untoward intimidation, exposure to criticism, negative consequences or political punishment. PPC takes exception to an array of so-called reforms that do not benefit the voting public, but rather subvert the democratic process and unduly enhance the power of incumbent office holders and bureaucrats.


The source of campaign funds have been the subject of fascination and regulation since the nation’s founding. Everyone agrees that all aspects of our free elections should be beneficial to the voting public’s need and right to know. Campaigns are largely an educational function in which candidates attempt to inform the public of the positions, abilities and character. For our system of government to be effective and free, it is essential that our campaign systems eliminate, as much as possible, any special advantages that accrue to the benefit of incumbents, the wealthy, the famous, and the well-connected. Frequently, the campaign and election laws are changed to provide a process that is fair to all candidates. Anything that favors incumbent over challengers is an anathema to a free society.

Despite the claims to the contrary, many so-called reforms are little more than disguised efforts to protect incumbents by making challenges more difficult. Many times, the changes are subtle, and the general public is not aware of them. Some times, the general public is wrongly persuaded as to the benefit of new restrictions and regulations.

In 1971, Congress passed the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) that required reporting of campaign contributions in federal elections. The ACT was amended in 1974 to place a cap on the total amount that could be contributed. Since that time, the matter of election reform has been an evergreen issue in the political arena. Rather than positively reform national elections, as the proponents promised, the 1971 and 1974 legislations proved to be a “slippery slope” that has propagated a myriad of so-called reforms at all level of government. Central to these “reforms” has been efforts to limit or abandon private contributions as the appropriate means of funding individual campaigns. The bans against contributions from corporations, financial institutions, liquor merchants, and others have combined to create a complex array of inconsistencies and injustices in the election system. The “reform” laws have produced a number of untoward consequences, some intentional and some unanticipated.

Limitations on contributions created an instant advantage for self-financed campaigns by very wealthy individuals. The limitation, were supposed to retrain the cost of campaign, only resulted in candidates rejecting government funding for campaigns in favored of aggressive private fundraising.

Many of the “reforms” were thinly disguised means of providing greater advantages for incumbents, candidate with great wealth and one party over another. Many reforms were designed to give government bureaucrats undeserved power over the elections. Many reforms were simply intended to discourage voter awareness. Many reforms were designed to curtail contributions to non-incumbents.

In recent years, so-called "reformers" forced the passage of the Campaign Reform Act.  So-in cahoots with then governor George Ryan.  They rammed the legislation through at the last hours of the legislative session.  Legislators were provided only a couple hours from the time the bill was presented to the time of the vote.  There were no hearings on the bill.  The voices of opposition were silenced.  These so-called election reforms were passed by sleazy political forces in the most shameful manner.

Public Policy Caucuses Election Principles and Philosophy

PPC bases its positions on campaign financing on 7 basic principles.

  1. The role of government in regulating the activities of citizens should be limited.
  2. Citizens should be provided with maximum knowledge of issues and candidates.
  3. Voters should have the right to judge the merits of a candidate without predetermined restraints on the decision-making process.
  4. Private citizens have a right to maximum privacy in the expression on their political views and voting preferences. This goes from the confidentiality of the voting booth to their right to privacy regarding the support and contributions they may wish to provide a candidate or party.
  5. When expressing concern over the influence of “special interests” in campaigns, it should be kept in mind that the government is s “special interest.”
  6. All elections laws should be simple and comprehensible to the average citizen.
  7. Contributions to a candidate or campaign are intended for that purpose, and should NOT be redirected to other candidates, contributed to charities, or retained as personal income.

Debate Challenge

When is a canary a chicken? In Illinois, the leading proponent of stricter election regulation and public financing of all campaigns is Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, headed by Cindi Canary. While they profess to support good government, the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform was the sheep skin covering the wolf.  In the name of reform they engaged in a process that would have made the old guard at Tammany Hall very proud.  Since that time, PPC has made several attempts to engage Ms. Canary in a public debate on the issues.  In defiance of the principle of an informed public, her group has consistently prefered backroom political approaches.

PPC Legislation

(Currently being drafted)

Caucus Leader

Larry P. Horist
Contact Mr. Horist at:
(773) 596-5599
lph (at) thomasandjoyce (dot) com

Coalition Support

(Committee in formation)

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