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Property Tax Caucus


Local schools are forced to relay too heavily on the local property tax.  And when you do that , you put an unfair burden on seniors, low-income families and long-time residents. - Richard M. Daley, Mayor of Chicago



Recognizing the inherent unfairness of the anachronistic property tax system, the purpose of the PPC Property Tax Caucus is to (1) restrict any further expansion of the property tax by virtue of increases in the tax or additional public services drawing on property tax revenues, (2) gradually reduction in reliance on the property tax, and (3) eventual elimination of the property tax all together.  In in most cases, public school funding is a very high proportion of the property tax burden, the Caucus generally supports most measures which shift educational funding to other systems.



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Contact may be made through PPC at:
(773) 596-5599
ppc (at) thomasandjoyce (dot) com

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