Ideas have consequences ... and Public Policy Caucuses produces those consequences.

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Highlights - Recent Accomplishments and Activities

In just a few short years, PPC has become one of the most respected free-market advocacy groups in Illinois by effecting the following policy results.

Meigs is open today because of PPC.  With the support of senior business leaders, PPC hired only professional lobbyist assigned to this issue; created the "Mighty Meigs" cartoon character; distributed thousands of t-shirts; undertook a postcard and petition campaign; financed and supervised the "airport/park" architectural design; and conceived of the state takeover that lead to the re-opening.

Despite opposition to Mayor Richard M. Daley's pet project above, PPC received a letter of appreciation from the Mayor for providing the necessary support to pass his Brownfield legislation - opening industrial development in the central city.  This was possible because PPC deals in issues, not personalities.

In light of state cash surpluses, PPC opposes crippling tax increases that undermine the free market by increasing costs of goods and services and reduces the level of disposable income for consumers.

PPC is advancing privatization in transportation, especially the Chicago Transit Authority; introducing legislation that will open up the CTA to competitive contracting.

PPC was virtually the only lobbying group willing to take on what was regarded as the "hopeless" cause of stopping Jim Edgar's lame duck appointments . . . and PPC won!

PPC is in the fore of the fight for improved charter school legislation, education tax credits and portable student financial aid.

PPC is almost alone in its effort to stop the trend toward excessive government control of our elections through so-called campaign finance reform.  This is among the least appreciated dangers to our basic constitutional rights.

PPC backs legislation letting parents determine if their children get potentially dangerous vaccinations.

PPC fights to protect municipal rights from state and federal usurpation; especially unfunded mandates.

Legislation requiring the cash-rich Illinois Toll Authority to reimburse the impoverished Road Fund originated with PPC, and is now one of Mayor Daley's bills.

Opposition to property seizure with out due process.

PPC continues its campaign of public education and mobilization on critical issues.  PPC officials are frequent contributors to the editorial pages of newspapers throughout the state.

PPC's Committee of 100 has become a premier forum for business leaders to meet privately and off-the-record with top policy makers and authorities.

And much more!

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